Over the course of 2020 most of our major events were cancelled, and our store was even closed down for some time. Despite that the community rallied together and Trev Deeley Motorcycles was still able to raise over $8,000 for Bikers Against Child Abuse - Greater Vancouver Chapter, and over $9,000 (in toys and financial donations) for the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau. We thank everyone that contributed, and came out to help throughout the year.

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By Lyn Hart, Director, Vancouver HOG® Chapter

Every year our chapter donates money from our fundraising efforts to charity. This year saw the cancellation of meetings & gatherings where we would normally raise funds, however, we also spent less money on chapter events. The chapter discussed how unexpected challenges & difficulties caused by the pandemic had affected those who needed help the most & we decided to double down on giving!

Our first donation was to the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau, a cause near & dear to all biker’s hearts! The annual Toy Run was cancelled this year because of health regulations & donations were down considerably despite a few “drive-through” events held in September & October. Dale Janzen, Vancouver HOG® Chapter Road Captain, and I were pleased to present a cheque to LMCB Executive Director, Chris Bayliss, at Trev Deeley Motorcycles on December 5th. The photo shows us holding a rather sizeable $500 cheque that Trev Deeley generously supplied for us to use on charitable occasions. Visit www.lmcb.ca/donate to give.

Next, the giant cheque headed down East Hasting Street to Union Gospel Mission in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Rish Gunvante, UGM’s Development Coordinator of Annual & Special Giving, met with myself & Meg Andersen, Vancouver HOG® Chapter Secretary & expressed much gratitude for the chapter’s generosity. UGM does tremendous work providing meals, shelter, outreach, counselling, and more to people struggling in our community. Visit www.ugm.ca/donate/ to give or www.ugm.ca/take-action/volunteer/ to volunteer.

It’s unthinkable that families & children would ever go without enough food & necessities, especially around the holidays. So Vancouver HOG® sharpened our pencils and wrote TWO more cheques of $500 for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank & Basics for Babies. Norm Hill, Vancouver HOG® Chapter Photographer, & I were given a brief tour of their amazing distribution facility. Not only do they provide food for those in need, but they also have a Baby Steps program in place that supplies families with baby formula, cereal, diapers & other baby items. Mandy Wu, Development Coordinator with the GVFB, expressed immense appreciation to the chapter. Visit www.foodbank.bc.ca/donations/donate-now/ to donate or www.foodbank.bc.ca/volunteer/ to volunteer.

Happy New Year to all with hopes that 2021 will be happy & healthy!

Vancouver HOG® Chapter